Interesting facts about Mussoorie

Image source: shot by me

1. Most of the buildings in Mussoorie are more than 150 years old, during the time of British rule. Though these buildings look old, they add beauty to the place.

2. Horse riding has been very popular here since the time of britishers. Some people still use it to cover the journey from one end to the other.

3. Even a small shopkeeper earns more than 1 lakh rupees during the tourist season in  Mussoorie, so the place works as a source of employment for many people.

4. During British rule, Indians were not allowed to visit Mussoorie as it was clearly written on a board ‘ Indians and dogs are not allowed’. Later this rule was broken by Moti Lal Nehru.

5. famous author Ruskin Bond is from Mussoorie and he has a big shop there. Every Saturday evening he sits in his shop and meets people.


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